Roundsling - MAGNUM X

Magnum-X sets benchmark in convenience, safety and durability – all with a load capacity of up to 450 t. A core made of high-performance polyester and the compact sleeve hose make the Magnum-X sling up to 50% slimmer than comparable heavy-duty round slings, while maintaining the same load capacity. Even in small crane hooks and in attachment points the round sling is not compressed and exhibits high longitudinal and transverse rigidity. The reduced creasing of the sleeve hose in the crane hook and on the load markedly improves the wear performance. A signal-coloured patch with interwoven load capacity indication also ensure that the sling is easy to recognise even at a distance and when heavily soiled. The label, which is additionally protected with a transparent cover, is tear-resistant. An RFID transponder that enables storage of the product data is integrated in the label and facilitates e.g. regular inspections.
Load capacity: 10 - 450 t