
  • Milling Machine RMX 5000

    New Milling Machine

    We are pleased to announce that we invested in a new Milling Machine (RMX 5000).

  • New CNC press brake machine

    New CNC press brake machine

    We are pleased to announce that we invested in a new CNC Press Brake machine (AD-R-40220) and is currently in function.

  • GDPR
  • New laser machine

    New laser machine

    We are pleased to announce that we invested in a new laser machine (HSG HS-G3015A) and is currently in function.

  • Special hoist system 1

    Special hoist system

    As part of our ongoing international expanding, we are preparing the delivery today of a special hoist system for a customer in France. This is a well-known customer in the nuclear sector.

  • Czech Company UNIMAN considers exporting to BiH

    Czech Company UNIMAN considers exporting to BiH

    Here is an article about UNIMAN in SrajevoTimes. Author of the article writes about expansion of UNIMAN on the balkan...

  • SpanSet - Code of Conduct

    SpanSet - Code of Conduct

    In this Code, the Board of Directors lay down the ethical standards and define the way SpanSet does business. The corporate responsibility to stakeholders is deemed to be the basis for long term success. The Board endorses this Code and needs the whole company to endorse it as well. Failure to do so puts the Company's business and reputation at risk.