About Us

Company UNIMAN s.r.o. is one of the few firms in Czech Republic which is professionally engaged in handling as well as gripping engineering. UNIMAN is specialized first and foremost in production of lifting and handling devices as well as special gripping equipment, further it is equipment for building industries, mechanical engineering, logistics and solutions for technical approach to extraordinary works in the heights and others products. The most of deliveries represent technical solutions arising from assignments concerning load or cargo handling, the rest of our production are represented as catalogue products. At present the company is exporting more than 80 % of its output to the countries in Europe and Asia.
And what is our goal? We have an elephant in the logo of the company, elephant as a symbol of honour, brains and potency, and just these qualities are to characterize its potential and at the same time its product supply. Our motto says: „We know to manage - to grip, to lift, to turn around, to overturn as well as to move your work" and the company makes this good as its own mission.